6:30-7:00 pm/ Check in, door prize tickets, board nominations, refreshments, gardening conversation
7:00-7:10/ Membership announcements, new business, December meeting plan
7:10/ Educational Chairperson Carmen Stemple, speaker introduction
Presentation: Organic Farming & Growing food
Please join us as we welcome Alex Ball, from Old City Acres Farm. Alex will present on what it takes to vegetable farm year-round, as well as growing tactics that focus on increasing local food access to folks throughout South East Michigan. He will highlight their flexible CSA (community supported agriculture) program, the no-till techniques used to grow food, and much more.
This presentation qualifies as 1 hour of Education in Volunteer Central
* Membership dues for the 2023 year are now being accepted. Pay your $15 dues in person at our November meeting and receive a free pair of gardening gloves! Cash or Check only please.
**Please note that MGWWC is once again providing a sign up sheet at meetings for snacks to share. We encourage members to support the environment by bringing their own beverage in reusable containers.