MGWWC Gardening Education Project Support Overview & Guidelines


Master Gardeners of Western Wayne County has a limited annual budget to potentially provide financial grants for educational gardening projects. Projects must involve the participation or management by Master Gardeners who are members of MGWWC. These responsible guidelines are designed to help manage this program with fairness, consistency, and responsible financial management.


Guidelines for consideration of MGWWC potential limited financial supplement include:

  1. Completing a Project Form is needed to document your project with MGWWC. When documented projects are MSU Extension approved, they are listed on the MGWWC website. That benefits your project and MGWWC members by listing those MSU Extension volunteer opportunities there. It also allows the project to be eligible for a potential limited financial grant if sufficient funds are available and approved by MGWWC Executive Board Officers.

  2. After a Project Form is completed and approved, the project can become eligible for a potential limited financial supplement annually when funds are available and designated by MGWWC.

  3. To become eligible, the Project Representative(s) complete a Project Form and have it approved by the President and Vice President of MGWWC.

  4. Project documentation is also required, such as: A written outline, pictures, and/or presentation, as requested by MGWWC.

  5. All projects must involve participation of MGWWC members.

  6. Eligible projects apply for reimbursement up to the total approved amount by submitting a Project Grant Reimbursement Request and current printed receipts to the Treasurer of MGWWC. Receipts are required to clearly identify the project-related items and amounts requested for reimbursement. The Treasurer processes the request with required approvals.

  7. Project Grant Request Forms are in effect for one year from the approval date.

  8. Limit of one approved request per project per calendar year.

Also, larger projects may be eligible to apply for grants from outside sources. Those funds may pay for eligible project expenses through MGWWC by documented reimbursement. This can require sufficient advance planning, paperwork and administration on your part. For more information, please consult with the Grants & Scholarships Committee Chairperson.


MGWWC Registered Projects are listed in the Volunteer Opportunities section.