Please note: We will be meeting at the old Marshall School in Westland., 35100 Bayview Street, Westland, 48186 (south of Ford Road and east of Wayne)
Parking and entrance is in the rear of the building.
6:30-7:00 pm membership check in & conversation , followed by presentation.
Educational Presentation: Increasing the Pollinator Habitat by Carly and David Cirilli of Plymouth Pollinators.
Explore the steady decline in the pollinator population and habitat, why pollinators are so important to our ecosystem, and why they need our help. Discuss the benefits of incorporating native plants into garden spaces and learn how eager gardeners can prepare their gardens for spring. Thursday, March 2 Membership meetings are open to the public. MGWWC is a volunteer organization dedicated to educating our local communities about gardening and horticulture using research-based information. Visit the website for more information: